
Dental veneers Brisbane

Dental veneers are great for concealing chips and cracks

Getting whiter, healthier-looking teeth has never been easier. If you find yourself smiling close-lipped, or covering your mouth when you laugh, because of your teeth—veneers may be the solution. Dream Smiles Sunnybank offer two types of veneers: porcelain veneers and composite veneers.

What are veneers for teeth?

Veneers for teeth, more commonly known as dental veneers, as small amounts of composite resin or porcelain bonded to your teeth. Veneers for teeth are typically only bonded to the teeth visible when you smile. And their purpose is to conceal chips, cracks, deep stains and other minor imperfections. This minimally invasive treatment is ideal for patients who are looking to rejuvenate their smile with minimal fuss and no downtime.

How are dental veneers applied?

How dental veneers are applied depends on which type of veneer you have. Composite veneers are placed onto your teeth and hardened under a special light. Composite veneers are applied to your tooth one layer at a time to achieve optimal results. Porcelain veneers take two appointments to place, last longer than composite resin, however they do require some of your tooth structure to be removed.

Are composite veneers worth it?

The kind of veneer you get will depend largely on two things: your desired outcome and your budget. Composite resin veneers are quicker to place, and more affordable than porcelain veneers. The composite resin material is colour-matched to your teeth to give a healthy, natural look. Composite veneers, if taken care of, can last 4 to 8 years. An advantage of these veneers over porcelain is that it’s easier—and cheaper—to repair.

Can composite veneers be whitened?

Composite veneers cannot be whitened with bleaching products. This is why we may recommend a course of teeth whitening prior to treatment. Alternatively, we can apply a new layer of composite to your existing veneer.

The same holds with porcelain veneers, and because porcelain veneers are more lasting than composite veneers we generally are more emphatic in recommending teeth whitening prior to veneers. The benefit of this is you get an overall whiter smile.

How are porcelain veneers done?

Porcelain veneers are placed on the teeth on the teeth in your smile zone. These are the 6 upper and lower teeth visible when you smile. The process for porcelain veneers is a straightforward, two-step process.

After your initial consultation, porcelain veneers take two appointments. The first appointment your teeth are prepared for the porcelain veneers. This process involves taking moulds of your teeth and then shaping your teeth in readiness for the veneers. Shaping your teeth involves shaving a small amount of enamel off to make attaching the veneers easier, and to look natural. The moulds of your teeth are sent off to the lab where your more permanent veneers are fabricated. While you wait for the porcelain veneers, temporary veneers will be placed on the treated teeth.

Your second appointment will be one to two weeks after the first. During this appointment the temporary veneers will be taken off and replaced with your more permanent porcelain veneers. If you take care of your porcelain veneers they can last 8 to 10 years.

Can porcelain veneers stain?

Porcelain veneers are stain resistant. Not stain-proof. It is really important that you maintain a good at-home oral hygiene routine after any cosmetic dental work. If your porcelain veneers do stain, your options are quite limited in fixing the solution. Generally speaking, you may need to replace a veneer if it becomes too heavily stained or damaged.

Are porcelain veneers safe?

If you are in good oral health, and you receive veneers from a skilled and experienced dentist, veneers should be safe. What you have to keep in mind is that your teeth can still suffer from decay beneath the veneer. This is just one of the reasons why you must take good care of your teeth at home. If you do develop decay beneath a veneer, the veneer will need to be removed, the decay treated and a new veneer placed.

Always visit a trusted dentist with years of experience who can answer all your cosmetic dentistry questions.

Dental veneers for patients in Brisbane

If you live in or around Sunnybank, Dream Smiles Specialist Centre offers both porcelain veneers as well as composite veneers.  When you visit us, one of our friendly team will assess your oral health and determine what the best option for you is.

If you would like to know more about veneers, or to request an appointment, please contact us today.

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s important to note that veneers involve the permanent removal of a small amount of natural tooth structure during the preparation process. As a result, once the veneers are in place, it is not possible to return to your original, natural teeth.

Maintaining veneers is generally not difficult, but it does require some level of care and attention to ensure their longevity. Here are some things to keep in mind:

● Good oral hygiene: Brushing and flossing regularly are important to keep your veneers and the surrounding teeth healthy and clean. It’s recommended to use a non-abrasive toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid scratching the veneer surface.

● Avoid chewing on hard objects: Whilst veneers are durable, they can still be damaged if you bite down on hard objects like ice, pens, or your fingernails. Avoiding these habits can help prevent damage to your veneers.

● Regular dental check-ups: Visiting your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings can help detect any issues with your veneers early and prevent more significant problems from developing.

● Stain prevention: Whilst veneers are resistant to staining, it’s still important to avoid or limit the consumption of foods and drinks that are known to cause staining, such as coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco products.

Maintaining veneers is relatively straightforward as long as you practise good oral hygiene, avoid bad habits, and follow your dentist’s recommendations for care.

Dental veneers offer several advantages, including:

● Aesthetic improvement: Veneers can significantly enhance the appearance of your teeth by correcting a variety of cosmetic imperfections such as discolouration, chipped or broken teeth, misaligned teeth, and gaps between teeth.

● Minimal tooth reduction: Modern veneers require minimal tooth reduction, which means that less natural tooth structure needs to be removed during the preparation process.

● Durability: Veneers are made from strong, durable materials such as porcelain or composite resin, which can last for many years with proper care.

● Stain-resistant: Porcelain veneers are highly resistant to staining from food and drink, which means that they can maintain their bright, white appearance for a long time.

● Versatility: Veneers can be used to correct a variety of dental issues, from minor cosmetic flaws to more significant structural problems.

● Natural-looking results: Veneers can be customised to match the colour, shape, and size of your natural teeth, which means that they can blend seamlessly with the rest of your smile and provide natural-looking results.

Overall, dental veneers can be an excellent option for individuals looking to improve the appearance of their smile and correct cosmetic dental issues. They offer a range of benefits, from their aesthetic improvements to their durability and versatility, and can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.

Dental veneers are designed to resist staining better than natural tooth enamel, but they are not completely stain-proof. The materials commonly used for veneers, such as porcelain or composite resin, are resistant to many types of stains, including those from coffee, tea, and tobacco. However, over time, veneers can still become discoloured due to exposure to highly pigmented foods and beverages, as well as poor oral hygiene habits.

Dental veneers and crowns are both dental restorations, but they serve different purposes and are applied in different ways. Veneers are thin shells made of porcelain or composite resin that are bonded to the front surfaces of teeth to improve their appearance. They are used primarily for cosmetic purposes, such as covering chips, stains, or gaps in teeth. Veneers require minimal tooth preparation, usually involving the removal of a small amount of enamel from the front of the tooth.

Crowns, on the other hand, are caps that cover the entire tooth. They are used to restore and strengthen damaged teeth, such as those that are cracked, broken, or have undergone root canal treatment. Crowns are larger than veneers and require more tooth preparation, as they cover the entire tooth and provide more structural support.

Overall, veneers are primarily used for cosmetic purposes and cover only the front surfaces of teeth, while crowns are used for both cosmetic and restorative purposes and cover the entire tooth.

The lifespan of dental veneers can vary depending on the type of material used and how well they are cared for. On average, porcelain veneers can last 10 to 15 years or longer with proper care. Composite veneers, on the other hand, typically last 5 to 7 years.

To ensure the longevity of your veneers, it’s important to practice good oral hygiene, avoid chewing on hard objects, wear a mouthguard if you grind your teeth, and attend regular dental check-ups and cleanings. Following these guidelines can help extend the life of your veneers and keep your smile looking great for years to come.